Get started with AI in 5 minutes using Zapier's Interfaces

Meet People Investor AI: each bot built in 30 seconds with Zapier.

Today I’m going to teach you the simplest way to start playing with AI by
using Zapier’s new Interfaces.  
If you’re a bit put off by all the AI hype, I get it. My wife is like a Star
Wars character who has zero trust in droids. She’s no different with bots and
AI. But don’t let the hype stop you from trying it yourself. I guarantee
you’ll start to see the benefit quickly.  
Here’s the easiest way to see how AI can help you. You don’t even need an
OpenAI account. All you need is a Zapier account and access to Interfaces.

Here’s what’s possible (I created each of these bots in under 30 seconds by
the way):  

People Investor AI made by Zapier Interfaces

Check out my People Investor AI, a group of chatbots powered by AI to help people managers. They were all built
within Zapier’s Interfaces (shoutout to Bryce Baker from Zapier for the format
Here’s how you can create something just like it (for free and in 5 minutes):

 1. Login to Zapier (or create a free account)
 2. Go to Interfaces landing page and click “Try for free”
 3. Create your first Interface and add a Chatbot component
 4. Edit the chatbot

That’s it.  

What I’m most interested in learning in the coming months is how to leverage
AI and Zapier to free up more time for all of us to do what we do best: be

There's a ton more you can do. Check out my post on 30 ways to use AI and Zapier.

That's all for this week!  
Happy Building,  

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