Lead Router App

Build a lead router app in Zapier that saves you or your clients $100s

You are a builder.

Building brings you joy.


But it is more fulfilling when others get value in what you build.

Build things that are valuable. 

Zach did just that with his lead router app that saved his clients tons of money and gets the job done better than apps out there.

Today, I’ll show you how to build a lead router app like Zach’s in Zapier. Here’s a lead router template you can follow along with.

Let’s build.

The Setup

You (or your clients) need to get new leads into the hands of the right sales rep. But when you have an increasing number of sales reps with their own requirements things get complicated. 

You may have different regions, budget amounts, etc. to deal with. 

You also want the flexibility to change and customize how your lead router works. Does it passively assign or do reps actively claim leads? How are reps prioritized?

Current lead router apps are costly and have an enormous list of un-implemented feature requests. 

With Zapier, you get a lead routing with speed and customization at a fraction of the cost.

Design it.

Build it.

Adapt it.

Save money, spend less time, get the job done.

The Build

I’ll start simple and let you build on top.

The simplest version of the leader router notifies reps at the same time and has active claiming.The first rep to the lead gets the lead.

This simplified version only needs two tables, one interface, and two Zaps.

Here are the tables:

  1. Agent Roster: holds your sales reps, their status, and the regions and company sizes they’re assigned to.
  2. Leads: holds all your new leads, their region and company size, and a checkbox for whether they’ve been claimed by a rep along with the rep’s email

The template includes two more tables that help score agents based on events that come directly from your CRM and one for adjusting the weights given to those events. Scoring is helpful if you want to route leads based on an agent’s performance. 

The single interface has a rep claim form which allows a rep to claim a lead when they get notified.

The two necessary Zaps are:

  1. New Lead, alert qualified agents
  2. Agent claims lead

The template includes three more Zaps that handle the CRM events and weighting the events.

How much does it cost?

With 30 reps, the total cost in Zapier is $19.99/month, or $730/month less than a tool like Chili Piper.

In Zapier, the entire system is free except sending emails (depending on how many Tables and Interfaces you already have). 

An email is sent to each qualified rep one a new lead comes in, and an email is sent anytime a rep attempts to claim the lead. 

Example: Let’s say you have a team of 30 reps. For any given lead, you’ll have 10 qualified reps. 10 emails per lead. Then, one rep claims and perhaps three other reps attempt to claim (but don’t get to it, first). That’s four more emails. Total emails for each lead: 14 emails, or 14 tasks.

You could have 53 leads a month and keep this at the lowest price: $19.99/month.

Chili Piper starts at $25 per USER per MONTH. Same example as above would cost $750/month to start.

Keep on building.

To recap:

  • Build for others for maximum joy
  • Simplest lead router app only takes one interface, two tables, and two Zaps
  • Save $730/month building in Zapier vs Chili Piper

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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