How to use Zapier for clients

How to build in Zapier for the hands-on or hands-off clients.

From my experience, there are two types of clients: 

  1. Hands-on
  2. Hands-off

The type of client determines how you build.   

If you don’t take the right approach, you’ll end up building something too complex. You’ll become full-time support or leave your client confused and unimpressed.

But if you first understand the type of client you’re working, then you can decide how to build.

Today I’ll share how to build in Zapier for each type of client so that you’ll spend less time in the weeds and more time making money.

Hands-on: the DIYers. 

If you find yourself with a student-driver client who wants to take the wheel themselves, do this:

  • Consolidate tools
  • Simplify with AI

Learning curves are steep. Consolidate tools to ease the climb.  

Then, use AI to make things as easy and poppable as possible. This is an inception move—you want your clients to wow themselves with what they can do.

Here’s how to use Zapier for DIYers:

  • Build with Tables, Interfaces, and Workflows (a.k.a Zaps) to create a cohesive system in one place. 
  • Diagram the process with Canvas so there’s a working visual for your client. 
  • Use Workflows only as necessary. 

Then, give your client the power of Zapier Central. Connect Zapier Tables as data sources and show them how they can converse with their data. Walk them through setting up an email notification in Central live on a call. 

They’ll see the power. They’ll get the value. They’ll be in control. 

They’ll have one login, one bill, and one smile. 

But, of course, that’s not every client. 

Hello, client number two…

Hands off: the YDIers (you-do-it-ers)

If you find yourself with a client who wants to spend their time giving TED talks and is hiring you to do all the work for them, do this:

  • Use whatever tools you want
  • Consolidate your workflows

I made this mistake last summer with a client where I had automations running in Airtable and Zapier at the same time. This made it incredibly difficult to know how to interact with workflows. Airtable automations are notoriously difficult to troubleshoot, too (Operator might help). 

The solution: consolidate automation and workflows in Zapier if at all possible.

Then, you need a way for your client to easily interact with the data. They may want to approve items, or to email leads, or to choose which leads to add to their CRM.

For these scenarios, create a table or interface in Zapier and use buttons connected to Workflows.

Clients who don’t want to get involved actually just want buttons. 

Easy buttons. 

To recap:

  • Two types of clients: hands-on and hands-off
  • You’ll either consolidate your tech stack or consolidate your workflows (or both)
  • Use AI and Buttons to make things easy for clients to interact

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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