Applicant tracker in fast-mode
Excerpt: No-code is fun, but it’s tedious. Get a speed boost with Zapier templates and build an Applicant Tracker with customized notifications, candidate tracking, and a job post landing page in 2 minutes.
No-code is fun. But it’s tedious. You have to glue stuff together.
But if you’re wanting to optimize for speed while not sacrificing power, your
no-code needs something new.
It needs a Mario Kart mushroom.
The gold kind.
Today, I’m going to show you how Zapier is adding speed to your no-code
building with templates.
We’ll look at building a fully functioning and infinitely extendable
Applicant Tracker all in Zapier in literally 2 minutes.
Time to race.
Two-minute lap time
Here’s how you build an Applicant Tracker with customized notifications,
candidate tracking, a landing page for your job post, and unlimited options
for adding features.
First, hold Z to use your mushroom.
Then, go to the Applicant Tracker
Template and click the “Use template” button.
Enter in your job description details and share your link.
That’s it.
You get to pass GO and collect:
- an Interface with Job Post and submission form, Thank you, and Applicant Tracker pages
- a Table that stores your applicants info
- a Zap that sends you an email notification for new candidates
- a Zap that adds an updated date when a candidate status changes

Why this way of building is different
The old no-code way of building an applicant tracker looked like manually building out the fields, Kanban, and then adding applicants one-by-one. Here’s Ben Tossell creating an Applicant Tracker in Notion four years ago which took him fifteen minutes to build and doesn’t include a job post, form, or automated notification emails.
Today, you can completely automate the building and automation process using
Zapier. You just need to add your job description. The Zaps will turn on
automatically and everything else works seamlessly.
Mario now has more mushrooms than he knows what to do with.
Is no-code no longer like LEGO?
Back in 2020, I wrote about how a tool isn’t no-code unless it feels like
LEGO. With these templates, does it feel like Zapier’s replaced little LEGO
bricks with pre-constructed toys?
At first, maybe it does. But let me remind you of something that promises to
keep the 10-year-old LEGO builder inside of you excited:
You can still build and extend a template to your Italian plumber heart’s

Need to send Peach a Slack message with that Applicant Tracker you built in
Zapier? Build a Zap, no problem. Need to connect it to Toad’s existing hiring
software? Build a Zap, no problem.
These templates are resources that speed you up initially, but they are not
Go get something built quickly just as you have done with no-code, but do it
in one place, with more stability, and at even greater speed.
Welcome to the new no-code 🍄
To recap:
- No-code gets a speed boost with Zapier templates
- The Applicant Tracker Template gets you all you need in a click
- Keep that LEGO heart by building and extending as much as you need
That's it for this week!
Happy Building,